
I am a QA Engineer based in Atlanta, currently looking for new opportunities. Pleased to meet you.

Let's connect.



5/3/1 Progression Tracker

For weight-lifters running a 5/3/1 progression on a lift or following a 5/3/1 program. A 4 week training schedule is created based on the 5/3/1 method created by Jim Wendler. Users can keep notes and reminders for a given exercise.

demo code

Learner's Journal

For anyone trying to learn a new skill or improve. For each journal entry users provide the date, what they are currently working on, how they feel about it, and what they look forward to doing. It is meant to track progress.

demo code

Elected Officials Lookup

Users enter their address and are given contact info for their elected officials. Video clips of the elected officials are available so citizens can learn about and contact their elected officials.

demo code


When I was five, my mother immigrated into this country with $25 to her name. She built her own catering business, and everyone lent a hand to keep us afloat. I come from a world where we sleep little, leave class to go to work, and always watch out for heat strokes.

I come from a very low-tech world. In 1999 my mother brought home our first computer after hearing someone was trying to get rid of it. It had a small black screen and green letters. I had fun making pictures on it using little square characters against the black background. Years later my brother got a computer for his birthday. It was a machine for MS Paint, some video games, and not much else. A few years after that, it was stolen. Beyond that computers were always something used in school.

When I was 18, I was working enough to save up for a smartphone and laptop for college. I entered bottle-cap codes for Coke Rewards to get a Wired Magazine subscription to read on the train rides and bus rides to and from class. I loved reading about people slowly building a science fiction world, but never considered this was a field I could work in. I never met anyone who worked in tech.

After college, I got a job at a company that builds rewards websites. I answer calls from people having issues with the sites. On my breaks, I took courses on Khan Academy. One day, Intro to Programming popped up and they had me make a sun rise out of a green field. I could not believe that is what programming was.

So here we are.

Let's work together

Feel free to get in touch.

You may also reach me at angel.g.altam@gmail.com.